Voyages of the Vagabond

Created by Deep Dungeon Games

A set of supplements focusing on terrains, transportation, and traveling of any fantasy world all wrapped up in 500 stunning pages.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Successfully Funded in 10 hours!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 10:00:46 PM

Thank you backers to celebrate I am making tacos, and I am pretty excited about that as well!

For those of you who are new to our projects, it is nice to meet you! My name is Hobie Hill, and I am the do it all guy for Deep Dungeon Games! I am also one of the writers on this project. So you will be hearing from me quite a bit and have part of my writing in the books of this project! We are excited that you have decided to join us on this journey and it is time to mount up for another amazing project!

For those of you who are return backers for a Deep Dungeon Games Kickstarter. I truly hope you all got to take advantage of the early bird rewards. I really hope that backers who are consistent backers and followers of our content were able to get them and trust me I notice your name every time it pops up when you like an update or comment on an update. I am sure your thinking this guy is a mad man but, I just basically do not sleep. 

Well, it is nice to meet you or see you again and I see you are surviving this year. I hope you are being safe and sound in 2020. We could small talk for hours about what we all have been up to but mostly it has been keeping our noses to the grindstone and keeping the lights on. We are ecstatic to see your support for the first time or as a returning backer for another Deep Dungeon adventure! Now that introductions are over, let us get to the main announcement, shall we?

Reward Tiers Explained 

So, I know the rewards might be a bit confusing but I promise there is a method to my madness. I am a sucker for themed content and this is no different for our projects. There is just something about the names of the rewards tying to the written content that makes me happy. Anyways, so the naming of the different rewards was meant to be a theme but it led to being a bit more confusing. If you are needing a bit more help in figuring out your reward level, the Kickstarter page has links to an excel breakdown and PDF breakdown.

 Click here to view the PDF reward breakdown. 

 Click here to view the reward excel document. 

One thing about Kickstarter rewards is once they have been chosen by a backer, the creators can no longer edit that reward. Obviously, this makes complete sense unless a creator wished to simplify the text within the reward. We will also be adding a very simple breakdown of the rewards in the FAQ section of the Kickstarter.

The others involved in this project are just blown away by the tremendous support from you all and honestly, it is bringing a lot of emotions to the table for many of us. We launched only 10 HOURS ago and we raised $35,000 for the funding of the two books in this project! We are beyond humbled and truly wish we could shake each of your hands or give you a hug, but we will refrain, with the knowledge that we know are able to bring you something amazing.

This Kickstarter is by far our most successful to date, and we are so thrilled to see records broken. We do not take your support lightly, friends. We have got heaps of fun announcements and teasers planned for the remainder of the campaign, so keep your eyes peeled! Thank you all so much for your support!

We have really tried to organize our updates, provide interesting content for you all, streamline information flow and communication, and everything else that we could to help the process of this Kickstarter. In future updates, you will see recurring keywords in the update outlines and a short description will help you understand what we are providing in future updates:

  •  About – This type of content will be detailed information about numerous topics. A lot of it will be inspiration or historic content that drove us to write the content for Voyages of the Vagabond.
  •  Content – This subject will be giving previews of drafted content for backers and visitors. The hope is that you will love what you see and be engaged in the funding of the project.
  •  Stretch Goals – Any relative stretch Goal content will be titled with this header.
  •  Art – As the campaign continues, we will continue working diligently on content, creation, and of course artwork. This header will be displayed when we are showcasing a piece of art for you.
  •  Tips & Tricks – This header will be displayed when we share a video or content for creating your own content, giving worldbuilding advice, or similar things along those lines.
  •  Free Content – Truly we could never do this without you all and we wish we could create for free. This content that we are providing to backers and visitors of this campaign is titled with this header and is a small way of saying thank you.
  •  Sharing – This header will be displayed when we have a new form of sharing, links for sharing, or just a reminder to keep sharing the information, free content, and the campaign everywhere you can.
  •  FAQ’s – Any new Frequently Asked Question, or when we need to point backers where they might be able to find information will be coined with this header.

Thank you all so very much and stay tuned for free rewards, detailed tips & tricks, and progress reports as the project continues.