Voyages of the Vagabond

Created by Deep Dungeon Games

A set of supplements focusing on terrains, transportation, and traveling of any fantasy world all wrapped up in 500 stunning pages.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys out & PDF shipping issue fixed
about 3 years ago – Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 05:26:26 PM

Hello everyone, sorry about the delays of conversation and answers. Texas got hit with a nice little cold front. I have been keeping kids entertained, dealing with power outages, and also water lines bursting.

So my hope with the PDFs and the survey was to keep the number of items on the survey down to a smaller amount than older surveys. I now know that you have to have multiple items for digital and physical items if you are not going to be charging for shipping or separate shipping charges. So, if you wanted to add on digital items, please go back to your survey and find the PDF or Digital equivalent and add that item. Also, note that all physical copies receive the digital equivalent. 

I really was hoping to have all these files separate, but I am limited to the platform that I am on. So, I apologize for that everyone! I was not aware that, that would be an issue. I also thought that making an item unshippable would not allow shipping charges to be.

Timeline for Backerkit surveys:

  • Soft Cap - February 28, 2021 - When we would like the majority of the surveys to be complete.
  • Hard Cap - April 29, 2021 - When we would like all surveys to be complete.
  • Digital Cap - April 30, 2021 - Digital add-on files sent out.
  • Preorder Cap - May 1, 2021 - Backerkit preview store closed.
  • Shipping Cap - May 1, 2021 - Final notice before address lock.
  • Final Cap- May 20, 2021- Incomplete surveys refunded and shipping preparation.

Ok, now that is a nice timeline, but just give us a shout if you got something going on or need more time. This is more of a general timeline and hard times that we would really like to stick to.

  • Softcap - This is important because this will help us finalize our international shipping costs and finalize those numbers.
  • Hard Cap - This is important because this should allow us to update our inventory for both Kickstarter products, add-ons, and exclusives.
  • Shipping Cap - This is important because you will be able to easily change your address at any time up to this point through the Backerkit Survey. You do not have to message us or let us know, but simply change it as you need to.
  • Final Cap - This is an important date due to the fact that if you have not let us know about any issues you will be refunded and will not get your reward for supporting this awesome book.

If your an experienced supporting of Kickstarters, then you know that dates are somewhat fluid but as we progress we will update you. If anything gets pushed back or forward, we will let you know asap but other than that we will more than likely only be updating once a month or as needed.

We will update again in March on where we are in progress and content! IF YOU WANTED DIGITAL ADD-ONS PLEASE REMEMBER TO GO BACK AND ADD THOSE ON AGAIN!

Deep Dungeon Games

Smoke Test Live!
about 3 years ago – Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 02:28:47 AM

Hey everyone, I know the surveys took a bit of time with this project, but I really wanted to make sure I got everything right that I could. Shipping is a hated passion for me, especially to backers across the various oceans and borders. I am trying something different with the addons, and the 5% of backers who receive the smoke test survey are so very important!

Your help by randomly receiving the smoke test survey through backerkit is imperative because it will allow us to:

  • Put out fires & issues before they are major.
  • Allow us to get real feedback on what we are doing and what we could be doing better.
  • Give us the things that we should double and triple check to ensure they are correct.
  • Help ease the process overall for your fellow backers.

Just in case you are wondering, why you do not have a survey or what a smoke test is:

  • A smoke test sends surveys to 5% of backers from each pledge level in your campaign.
  • It’s a simple way to catch any errors in the survey and make sure everything runs smoothly.
  • Once your smoke test has been completed, we can send surveys to the rest of you amazing people.

So, if you are randomly selected for the smoke test and find errors, the PLEASE POST ANY COMMENTS OR CONCERNS RELATIVE TO THE SMOKE TEST ON THIS UPDATE.

Seriously, your feedback is very important and you are our favorite lab rats! MUAHAHAHAHA Ok, that is all for now, but we will update again when we send the full survey out to everyone.

Deep Dungeon Games

We have been working! February Update!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 01, 2021 at 10:33:55 PM

Hey everyone! I have been hard at work organizing the survey, project boards, and all the chaos in between! 

I have just finished updating the backerkit surveys, and just waiting on approval from backerkit! So smoke tests will be going out soon. We will be sending those out asap along with another update after we get more feedback from those who did the smoketest. It will contain information that goes with the surveys and everthing. So stay tuned for an update soon! 


Funding Period Complete!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 01, 2021 at 11:41:56 PM

BAM, and just like that, we come to the end of another campaign, and we love how our content is starting to mesh. The content for this project is one of the most diverse and that makes this one of our favorite projects thus far. The creating of content or running any business is scary enough and every time we launch a project there is a ton of fear and anxiety for rejection and failure but then we get another great boost of support from you folks. It is awesome, you are all awesome and you inspire us, and we hope you will keep letting us create for you.

We set out with the goal to at very least get the writings of myself edited and a few pieces of art to form a book, but with your help, we have created so much more. You have helped us to enhance the content, expand our customer base, and grow our business.

Also, if you ever think your pledge does not matter, we lost quite a few backers during the campaign for various reasons. So just remember that your pledge means more than you think! Of course, we understand but you are all part of the project and together you all make it happen!

We have a lot of work ahead of us but at this point, almost all the writing has been complete (excluding a few of the stretch goals). We have a few things going on, this includes celebrating the new year and tons of writing for future content and more. So much to do always, but we love being able to create for everyone and we will be rolling out content as we can.

  •  Writing - So at this point, we are really done with most of the writing other than small edits, stretch goals, and writing that we were waiting on art before writing. The writing on this book began in June 2020 and we are around 95% done with this writing and as soon as we are ready, we will push it to edit. One thing we really want to get all the mechanics and playtesting materials out to you as soon as possible.
  •  Artwork - The artists have been working in the background without anyone but myself really knowing about it. The total art list includes 500 planned illustrations of various mounts, NPC’s, traveling equipment, terrain, hags, and more.
  •  Editing - The editor should be able to get started on this after we are happy with the flow of the words and most of the editing that we can do as writers is complete. This is basically the last step before we go to playtesting and layout and hopefully, we can find any other issues or editing that needs to be done after you all have done some playtesting.
  •  Playtesting - It has been overly exciting to send backers previews of our content and for backers to be some of the first individuals to get eyes on the content for our books. That being said we will be doing that with this book as well and everyone will be able to see this content and have an opportunity to playtest it, help us find errors, and drool over the wait for the final product. More eyes on the product will help us make a better product overall and ensure that it is everything you want it to be.
  •  Layout - It really is the last step for pre-production, so when we move to the layout, we are awfully close to the completion of the project!
  •  Proofreading – One final professionally hired check before production.
  •  Production - After the layout is done and moved to the printing company then we will do a test print of the book and trust me this is something that 100% should be done by any company. So, we use a US-Based production facility to ensure that we can get this book done for you, and this is the same for the books and the decks. We will keep you informed of any progress we make, and we are looking for quality above all else.

Just a quick heads up to keep an eye on your inbox for your Backerkit Survey invite and some of you will be the first as part of the small "Smoke Test" to begin with to make sure things are working correctly, then we will be sending all of the surveys later today or tomorrow. We will be sending out the Backerkit surveys as soon as Kickstarter releases the funds in around 14 to 16 days. In that survey, you will have the option to add on any additional items you wish as well as verify your shipping addresses. Please take the time to fill out the survey that was sent to you in messages so that we can add your input on future projects like this.

  •  Switching Your Pledge - On the first page of the survey below the big green button that reads "Get Started" you will see a link that reads "switch your pledge level ". This is how you will change from one pledge level to another. For example, if you pledged for the PDF during the campaign but decided you want the physical book instead, you can use this link to switch to that pledge.
  •  Locking Down Orders - During the Backerkit we will have to manually go in and close out the orders and wrap up the orders. This means we will be locking down orders and charging cards on a regular basis, perhaps weekly. This way you are not charged for shipping and add-ons just before your order is fulfilled and then wonder what the charge is for. Basically, the purchase was fresh in your mind, so you know to expect the charge. You can refrain from completing your survey for as long as you want before fulfillment if you do not want to be charged immediately, that is no problem. Additionally, if you do fill out your survey but end up changing addresses or wanting to modify your order, just let us know and we can unlock your order or make the changes manually for you.

 We will send another update in the next few days with more details!

The Hourglass is almost empty - Final 24 Hours!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 01, 2021 at 09:36:59 PM


You all have made this project amazing! As you know we have several books, but these are by far one of my favorites! It combines so well with the older content from our environmental series of books These books will combine art, story inspiration, and useful content to truly elevate your games and since our main focus is giving you content to help with world-building and creation, we are rather happy about it all!

So, as the final 24 hours are upon us, it will be the final chance to upgrade and save some extra dollars. Remember you will not be able to get the same prices once the funding is complete and prices will go up a bit during the survey. This is because to me it’s about the support of the project and not about getting a few more bucks on the backend. I really love creating for you all and pour so much of myself, my mental state, and my creativity into these projects and I really want them to be everything you want them to be.

Hey, we are small and while we have amazing content it is hard to get the voice out! So, we depend on you all to help us out! This is your campaign as much as it is ours, so consider sharing the sample page PDF to help get people excited about it, share our social media posts, or just come follow us!

Feel free to share the below link:

You can also share the example pdf for this project or any of the free content for all supporters and visitors of this project:

Example PDF Link

Travelers Notes PDF Link -

World Building Notebook PDF Link -

Thank you to all my amazing returning backers and to new backers to our projects, welcome to the journey! In case you are wondering, Deep Dungeon Games is aimed at creating content that is as game agnostic as we can create it. This is great for many different reasons because when a new edition comes out or you switch game types, you do not have to repurchase the content. This might be a bad way of doing business, but we would rather create content that you can use for a lifetime than create content to make a quick buck. Our focus is on our backers, customers, and the community that has allowed us to even be able to do this. You all have made this project the funded and one of our highest backed of our 14 projects thus far! We are humbled that you have supported us but, to be honest, the content we create is unique and the resounding demand for this content from the community is proof of this! This will be our last update with previews of the content, at least until we start showing off the content on the pages and such.

Projects we love!

As you know in an effort to bring more attention to the project, we sometimes share campaigns of our friends and of projects that we want to share with you. This helps us find backers that might not have heard of us yet and reward backers from the beginning with the unlocking of more stretch goals!

Tome of Mystical Tattoos for 5e - A compendium of over 100+ unique magical tattoos compatible with the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons!

Magic tattoos are special in that they allow you an extra level of character customization while simultaneously granting you unique and interesting abilities! Why not give it a shot, right? There will be more than 120+ illustrated, never-before-seen, and functional magic tattoos, with much more to come depending on the stretch goals we reach!


For one, all the magic tattoos you will find in this book are tailored to work in tandem with specific body parts! For example, tattoos like the Soaring Tattoo will grant you majestic inky wings when applied on your back (and only your back)! The Tome of Mystical Tattoos will also show you exactly how each beautiful tattoo would look on the optimal limbs alongside a detailed flat sketch for a clear view of all the designs.